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Congratulations our project of“the development and industrialization for the environmental friendly kation anion generator applied to the refrigerators” becomes the 2007 Xiamen SMEs technology innovation fund program on Dec.12, 2007.

Cooking fume purifier
anion generator
kation anion generation
plasma (know kation anion) generator
USB air purifier
air humidifier
air purifier
ozone generator
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User:ANTONIO OTAMENDI Date:2011/6/6 23:24:12  
Hi I tried to get information about prices
I would like to know the price of each ozone genedador
30, 50, 100, 200, 300, 500, 1000.
Miss Julia answered me once but I have no prices.
I would also like to know the time of manufacture.
I hope your answer thanks
User:ANTONIO OTAMENDI Date:2011/6/2 6:05:25  
Hello. I"m interested in the ozone generators ceramic
and if you have also tubes with transformer let me know plece.
the generators in your website I only see 30, 50, 500 1000 and 5000 mg / h
do you have ?100, 200 or others?
Please send me prices and minimum quantity order
I live in mexico. I need all current 110-w
I hope your answer thanks
User:aytekin çopur Date:2009/11/28 23:03:04  
I want to learn price yours all product.
thank you
best regards

User:ra Date:2007/3/25 4:10:34  
Is this the company that manufactured the Goldfish exercise swing equipment GF-868? If so do you have an instruction sheet that you could send to me?

Answer:Sorry,it isn't.My company only manufacture ion generator、ozone generator.
2007/3/26 14:41:22
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